Items tagged “epididymis”

6 results

Epididymal cyst

Epididymal cysts are the most common epididymal mass. Epidemiology Epididymal cysts have been reported in ~30% (range 20-40%) of asymptomatic individuals 5. Pathology They are usually of lymphatic origin 2. The cysts contain clear serous fluid, lymphocytes, spermatozoa, and debris. Clinical...

Adenomatoid tumours of the scrotum

Adenomatoid tumours of the scrotum are benign, solid extratesticular lesions that can originate from the epididymis, tunica vaginalis, or spermatic cord (90% derived from the funiculus). Epidemiology They are the most common extratesticular neoplasm, and most common tumour of the epididymis, a...


Spermatoceles are a common type of extratesticular cyst (occasionally intratesticular) and represent cystic dilatation of tubules of the efferent ductules in the head of the epididymis. Clinical presentation Usually, a painless, incidental finding but can present as a mass lesion if large 3. ...

Epididymal appendix

Epididymal appendices, also known as appendix of the epididymis or appendix epididymis, are an testicular appendage found at the head of the epididymis 1. They represent a developmental remnant of the mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct). In 78% of the cases, it has a stalk configuration and is thus...

Testicular and scrotal ultrasound

Testicular and scrotal ultrasound is the primary modality for imaging most of the male reproductive system. It is relatively quick, relatively inexpensive, can be correlated quickly with the patient's signs and symptoms, and, most importantly, does not employ ionising radiation. MRI is occasion...

Epididymal leiomyoma

Epididymal leiomyomas (fibrous pseudotumours) are uncommon smooth muscle tumours that do not have malignant potential. Their imaging features are not specific and, if small, it may be a difficult prospective diagnosis on imaging. They are usually encountered in a differential for epididymal/para...

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