Items tagged “ligament”

44 results found

Supraspinous ligament

The supraspinous ligament runs along the tips of adjacent spinous processes and is particularly thick in the cervicothoracic region. Above the level C7 spinous process the ligament no longer directly attaches to the spinous process but rather continues as the nuchal ligament up to its attachment...

Anterolateral ligament of the knee

The anterolateral ligament of the knee (ALL) is a ligament that is thought to aid with rotational stability of the knee joint. Some think that its presence (or reconstruction) may result in better outcomes from ACL stabilisation surgery 2. Gross anatomy origin: prominence of the lateral femora...

Transverse ligament of the knee

The transverse ligament of the knee, also called the transverse meniscal ligament (of Winslow) attaches transversely across the anterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci. It is located posterior to Hoffa's fat pad. Epidemiology The reported incidence is between 3-94% in patient populati...

Midtarsal sprain

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 05 Mar 2020
87% complete
X-ray MRI

Lateral ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow

The lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) of the elbow is a primary stabiliser of the elbow joint to varus and external rotatory stress 1-6. Gross anatomy It is a part of the lateral (radial) collateral ligament complex and located at the posterolateral aspects of the elbow joint. It takes ...

Dorsal talonavicular ligament

The dorsal talonavicular ligament is one of the three stabilisers of the talonavicular joint and therefore a stabiliser of the midtarsal (Chopart) joint. Gross anatomy The dorsal talonavicular ligament extends from the mid-talar neck to the navicular bone and merges with the joint capsule medi...

Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament

The dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament is the dorsolateral stabiliser of the calcaneocuboid joint and a stabiliser of the midtarsal (Chopart) joint. Gross anatomy The dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament can arise as single- or multiband-structure lateral of the bifurcate ligament and can merge with the...

Short plantar ligament

The short plantar ligament or plantar calcaneocuboid ligament is a stabiliser of the calcaneocuboid joint, which forms the lateral part of the midtarsal (Chopart) joint. Gross anatomy The short plantar ligament is cone-shaped, consisting of a deeper and superficial part. It connects the inferi...

Inferoplantar longitudinal ligament

The inferoplantar longitudinal ligament is one of three components of the spring ligament complex, which stabilises the longitudinal arch of the foot and supports the head of the talus 1,2. Gross anatomy The inferoplantar longitudinal ligament connects the lateral part of the coronoid fossa of...

Medioplantar oblique ligament

The medioplantar oblique ligament is one of three components of the spring ligament complex, stabilising the longitudinal arch of the foot 1,2. Gross anatomy The medioplantar oblique ligament connects the calcaneal coronoid fossa to the navicular bone and runs plantar in relation to the supero...

Long plantar ligament

The long plantar ligament is one of the inferolateral stabilisers of the calcaneocuboid joint and a stabiliser of the midtarsal (Chopart) joint. Gross anatomy The long plantar ligament features a form of an hourglass with a distal deep insertion at the cuboid bone and variably, more superficia...

Radioscaphocapitate ligament

The radioscaphocapitate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligaments and a volar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The radioscaphocapitate ligament connects the palmar surface of the distal radius with the scaphoid and the capitate bone, running in an o...

Long radiolunate ligament

The long radiolunate ligament is a large intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligament and a volar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Terminology The long radiolunate ligament is also known as 'radiolunotriquetral ligament', 'volar radiotriquetral ligament' or 'volar radiolunate ligament'. G...

Short radiolunate ligament

The short radiolunate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligaments and a volar stabiliser of the wrist and the lunate bone 1-4. Gross anatomy The short radiolunate ligament forms a part of the volar radiocarpal joint capsule and connects the palmar surface of th...

Dorsal radiocarpal ligament

The dorsal radiocarpal ligament, also known as the dorsal radiolunotriquetral or dorsal radiotriquetral ligament, is a large extrinsic intracapsular dorsal radiocarpal ligament and one of the main dorsal stabilisers of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The dorsal radiocarpal ligament forms a part o...

Ulnolunate ligament

The ulnolunate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar ulnocarpal ligaments and a component of the ulnocarpal complex 1-4. Gross anatomy The ulnolunate ligament forms the anterior part of the ulnocarpal joint capsule together with the ulnotriquetral ligament, with which it share...

Ulnotriquetral ligament

The ulnotriquetral ligament is one of the intracapsular extrinsic palmar ulnocarpal ligaments and a component of the ulnocarpal complex 1-4. Gross anatomy The ulnotriquetral ligament forms the anterior and ulnar part of the ulnocarpal joint capsule together with the ulnolunate ligament, with w...

Anterior oblique ligament of the thumb

The anterior oblique ligament of the thumb is one of several carpometacarpal ligaments of the thumb and also one of its main stabilisers 1. Terminology The anterior oblique ligament of the thumb is also known as the ‘beak ligament’. It can be divided into a superficial and a deep component and...

Dorsal deltoid ligament complex of the thumb

The dorsal deltoid ligament complex of the thumb encases the first carpometacarpal joint from the dorsal and radial aspect and is considered a primary stabiliser of the first carpometacarpal joint. Gross anatomy The dorsal deltoid ligament complex of the thumb consists of the following three c...

Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist

The ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist is an extrinsic dorsal ulnocarpal ligament and functions as a part of the triangular fibrocartilage complex as an ulnar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The ulnar collateral ligament connects the ulnar styloid al process with the triquetrum ...

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