Items tagged “refs”

2,977 results

Epidermolysis bullosa

Epidermolysis bullosa refers to a rare group of genetically determined conditions characterised by blistering of the skin. This can be limited to the soles and palms or extensive whole body involvement. Mutations in more than 20 different genes have been reported that contribute to the disease's...

Erlenmeyer flask deformity

Erlenmeyer flask deformity (EFD), also known as metaphyseal flaring, refers to a radiographic appearance typically on a femoral radiograph demonstrating relatively reduced constriction of the diaphysis and flaring of the metaphysis as a result of undertubulation.  The name refers to the resembl...

Extensor mechanism of the knee injuries

Extensor mechanism of the knee injuries can be subdivided into: acute injuries quadriceps muscle tears quadriceps tendon rupture patellar tendon rupture patella fracture patellar dislocation often with medial retinaculum tears patellar sleeve fractures chronic injuries  Osgood-Schlatter...

External petrosal nerve

The external petrosal nerve is one of the three branches from the geniculate ganglion. It carries sympathetic fibres from the sympathetic plexus surrounding the middle meningeal artery, coursing extradurally laterally to the greater and lesser petrosal nerves on the petrous ridge's anterior surf...

Extramural air cell

An extramural air cell is one that is not contained within its named parent bone. So, the infraorbital ethmoidal air cells that lie within the maxilla rather than the ethmoidal bone are an example of extramural air cells.

Facial nerve choristoma

Facial nerve choristomas are rare, being characterised by non-neoplastic proliferation of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue. Facial nerve choristomas presumably can occur anywhere along the course of the facial nerve (CN VII), although the only cases reported are in the internal acoustic me...

Fat halo sign (inflammatory bowel disease)

The fat halo sign (in colonic imaging) refers to a feature seen on CT abdominal scans, and represents infiltration of the submucosa with fat, between the muscularis propria and the mucosa. It is characterised by an inner (mucosa) and outer (muscularis propria and serosa) ring of enhancing bowel ...

Fatty falx cerebri

A fatty falx cerebri is a benign entity in which there is fat within the extradural neural axis compartment located between the two visceral layers of the falx.  Epidemiology According to one study, it is a common finding seen in ~7.5% of patients 1. This can be more common in older patients 1...

Fishhook ureters

Fishhook ureters, also known as J-shaped ureters or hockey stick ureters describe the appearance of the distal ureter in patients with significant benign prostatic hypertrophy. It has also been used to describe the appearance of a retrocaval ureter in type 1 or low loop variety. As the right ure...

Gas in the urinary bladder

There are numerous causes of gas in the urinary bladder. In the hospital setting, by far the most common is the placement of an indwelling urinary catheter. Other causes include 1: iatrogenic indwelling urinary catheter is by far the most common cause cystoscopy, etc. emphysematous cystitis ...

Serous atrophy of bone marrow

Serous atrophy of bone marrow is a non-neoplastic bone marrow disorder that occurs with chronic illness and poor nutritional status. It is characterised by atrophy of the fatty marrow and loss of haematopoietic cells, replaced by an accumulation of extracellular mucinous substances. Terminology...


Germinoma is a term that if unqualified, usually refers to a tumour of the brain but can also refer to similar tumours of other regions particularly the ovary and testis. dysgerminoma of the ovary seminoma of the testis CNS germinoma: see WHO classification of CNS tumours All these tumours s...

Groove for the popliteus tendon

The groove for the popliteus tendon is a normal variant and should not be mistaken for a fracture. Rarely an ossicle called a cyamella is seen here, located within the popliteus tendon.


A haemangioendothelioma is a tumour derived from blood vessels.  Pathology Subtypes Subtypes dependent on location include haemangioendothelioma (MSK) haemangioendothelioma of liver See also epithelioid haemangioendothelioma

Musculoskeletal haemangioendothelioma

Haemangioendotheliomas, along with haemangiopericytomas and angiosarcomas, are tumours that arise from vascular structures. In the case of haemangioendotheliomas, the cell of origin is the endothelial cell, and they range from benign to frankly malignant lesions. Epidemiology They typically oc...

Varicella pneumonia

Varicella pneumonia is a type of viral pneumonia. It is a common cause of multiple small round calcific lung lesions. Varicella-zoster virus most commonly causes self-limited benign disease (chickenpox) in children. However, in adults it tends to cause significant complications including varicel...


Hydrocolpos is characterised by an expanded fluid-filled vaginal cavity. When it is associated with distention of the uterine cavity, the term hydrometrocolpos should then be used. It may present in neonate, infancy or in an adolescent girl with a lower abdominal mass, or be delayed till menarch...


Hydrometrocolpos is characterised by an expanded fluid filled vaginal cavity with associated distention of the uterine cavity. It may present in infancy with a lower abdominal mass, or be delayed till menarche. Pathology Aetiology imperforate hymen (most common) also involves the upper portio...

Hyperostosis frontoparietalis

Hyperostosis frontoparietalis is a variant of the more common and more well known hyperostosis frontalis interna. As the name suggests, there is benign overgrowth exclusively of the inner table of the frontal bones and parietal bones. Characteristic features include sparing of the midline and ou...

Hyperostosis of the skull (differential)

Hyperostosis of the skull has many causes, broadly divided into focal or diffuse. Diffuse Paget disease of bone metastatic disease, especially prostate carcinoma chronic, severe anaemia hyperparathyroidism acromegaly osteopetrosis hyperostosis frontalis interna long-term phenytoin use ...

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