Items tagged “stub”

1,317 results


In anatomy, parenchyma refers to the functional part of an organ in the body. This is in contrast to the stroma or interstitium, which refers to the structural tissue of organs, such as the connective tissues. Embryologically, the majority of organ parenchyma develops from the ectoderm or endod...

Pulmonary mass

A pulmonary mass is any area of pulmonary opacification that measures more than 30 mm, an arbitrary but useful measurement. The commonest cause of a pulmonary mass is primary lung cancer 1-3: bronchogenic carcinoma granuloma: most common non-malignant cause sarcoidosis infections Mycobacter...

Airspace nodules

Airspace nodules are irregularly marginated nodular opacities with air bronchograms that tend to measure 8 mm in diameter. They are quite separate from pulmonary nodules that range in size, are homogeneous and well-defined (being surrounded by normal lung).

Ovarian lymphoma

Ovarian lymphoma can refer to primary involvement of the ovaries with lymphoma (i.e. primary ovarian lymphoma): very rare secondary ovarian involvement of the ovaries with generalised lymphoma (i.e. secondary ovarian lymphoma): more common scenario

Anterior mediastinum

The anterior mediastinum is the portion of the mediastinum anterior to the pericardium and below the thoracic plane. It forms the anterior part of the inferior mediastinum, and contains the thymus, lymph nodes, mammary vessels 3. It may contain the portions of a retrosternal thyroid. Related p...

Gyromagnetic ratio

The gyromagnetic ratio, often denoted by the symbol γ (gamma) is the ratio of the magnetic momentum in a particle to its angular momentum. The SI unit is the radian per second per tesla (rad⋅s−1⋅T−1).  The gyromagnetic ratio of the proton is 2.675 221 900(18) x 108 s-1⋅T-1. Since a proton wil...

Echo time

The echo time (TE) refers to the time between the application of the radiofrequency excitation pulse and the peak of the signal induced in the coil. It is measured in milliseconds. The amount of T2 relaxation is controlled by the TE.

Repetition time

The repetition time (TR) is the time from the application of an excitation pulse to the application of the next pulse. It determines how much longitudinal magnetisation recovers between each pulse. It is measured in milliseconds.

Umbilical cord knot

Umbilical cord knot is a term given to denote either true umbilical cord knot: often the term "umbilical cord knot" is used to describe this entity 1 or false umbilical cord knot: usually of no clinical significance See also umbilical cord entanglement

Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome

Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome refers to the presence of characteristic medial knee pain in the presence of previous medial collateral ligament injury and a Pellegrini-Stieda lesion (most of which are asymptomatic).  History and etymology It is named after Italian surgeon Augusto Pellegrini (1877-...

MURCS association

MURCS association refers to the combination of: MU: Müllerian duct aplasia R: renal aplasia /renal agenesis CS: cervicothoracic somite dysplasia See also Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome

McKusick Kaufman syndrome

McKusick Kaufman syndrome (MKS) is an autosomal recessive multiple malformation syndrome primarily characterised by hydrometrocolpos - vaginal atresia post-axial polydactyly congenital heart disease

Megacystis megaureter syndrome

Megacystis megaureter syndrome describes the radiologic appearance of a large capacity thin-walled bladder and massive primary vesicoureteral reflux. Pathology The pathophysiology of these massively dilated ureters and the large capacity bladder is the constant recycling of large volumes of r...


Chorioamnionitis refers to infection of the chorion and amnion during pregnancy. Epidemiology Chorioamnionitis affects an estimated 2-4% of term deliveries and 40-70% of preterm deliveries 1. Clinical presentation Clinically, chorioamnionitis can present with the following maternal signs and...

Breast imaging-reporting and data system (BI-RADS) assessment category 1

BI-RADS 1 is one of seven categories from the breast imaging reporting and data system. It is defined as negative and is used when imaging demonstrates: no finding is present in an imaging modality (not even a benign finding)  there is nothing to comment on a normal examination The likelihoo...

Complete miscarriage

A complete miscarriage is defined as a cessation of vaginal bleeding with no evidence of retained products of conception or a gestation sac in a woman who previously had an ultrasound confirmed intrauterine pregnancy. Radiographic features Ultrasound Shows an empty uterus with no fetal compon...

Habitual miscarriage

A habitual miscarriage is the term given when a woman has had more than three miscarriages and it affects approximately 1-2% of women. Pathology Many causes are identified. congenital uterine Mullerian duct anomalies acquired uterine causes leiomyoma uterine adhesion bands cervical incom...

Fetal fibronectin test

The fetal fibronectin test (fFN) is a test that can be perfomed on a vaginal swab to estimate the risk of preterm labour. Pathology fFN is found at the interface of the chorion and the decidua (between the fetal sack and the uterine lining). It can be thought of as an adhesive or "biological g...

Lobular breast carcinoma

Lobular breast carcinoma is a subtype of breast cancer can range from lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) to invasive lobular carcinoma. Pathology Multicentricity and bilaterality tend to be quite common with lobular breast carcinomas.

Mesenteric desmoid tumour

Mesenteric desmoid tumours are a subtype of desmoid tumours. Pathology Desmoids are cytologically bland tumours that appear as infiltrative, well-demarcated tumours that are derived from musculo-aponeurotic structures throughout the body.  Associations in the mesentery, the masses may occur ...

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