Items tagged “stub”

1,317 results

Fetal transverse cerebellar diameter

In obstetric imaging, the fetal transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) is often measured as an additional fetal biometric parameter. It is measured as the maximal diameter between the cerebellar hemispheres on an axial scan. The value of the transverse cerebellar diameter in mm's is considered rou...

Oreo cookie sign (heart)

The Oreo cookie sign refers to the appearance of pericardial effusion on lateral radiographs of the chest. A vertical opaque line (pericardial fluid) separating a vertical lucent line directly behind the sternum (paracardial fat) anteriorly from a similar lucent vertical lucent line (epicardial ...

Femur sparing intrauterine growth restriction

Femur sparing intrauterine growth restriction is considered by some authors as a particular type of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 1. In this type, the femoral length is the only standard fetal biometric parameter unaffected while all others are reduced.

Ampullary ectopic pregnancy

Ampullary ectopic pregnancy is the commonest type of tubal ectopic pregnancy and accounts for ~70% of such cases.  According to one study, the disruption of the tubal wall was less than as in isthmic ectopic pregnancy 2.

Isthmic ectopic pregnancy

An isthmic ectopic pregnancy is a subtype of tubal ectopic pregnancy an accounts for ~12% of such cases. According to one study, the rate of tubal wall disruption was higher than with an ampullary ectopic pregnancy, suggesting that in an isthmic ectopic pregnancy, the trophoblast penetrates the ...


An embryo (plural: embryos) is the term given to the precursor of a fetus and in humans the embryonic period is usually considered to be between the first (1st) and the eighth (8th) week (eleventh week according to some reports) of development after fertilisation. The term "fetal pole" is someti...

Decidual reaction

A decidual reaction is a feature seen in very early pregnancy where there is thickening of the endometrium around the gestational sac, which is seen as an echogenic rim on ultrasound. A thin decidual reaction of <2 mm is considered one of the features suggestive of an anembryonic pregnancy 2. A ...

Fetal hydrothorax

A fetal hydrothorax refers to fluid in the fetal thoracic cavity. In many cases it represents a fetal pleural effusion. In selected cases it can be treated by an in utero thoracocentesis or a formation of an in utero pleuro-amniotic shunt. See also primary fetal hydrothorax

Pre-term labour

Pre-term labour refers to spontaneous delivery of the fetus prior to 37 weeks of gestation. This is regardless of estimated fetal weight. Radiographic assessment Ultrasound Sonographic markers shortened cervical length presence of cervical funneling dilatation or internal cervical os: cons...

Diabetic embryopathy

Diabetic embryopathy refers to a spectrum of fetal anomalies that precipitate when the mother has background type I diabetes mellitus. The fetus may develop many of the fetal conditions associated with maternal diabetes although strictly speaking the anomalies should only include those that star...

Cystic renal dysplasia

Cystic renal dysplasia refers to a subgroup of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract characterised by the dysplastic renal parenchyma and formation of cysts. The most severe form is multicystic dysplastic kidney, in which functional renal parenchyma is absent and only undifferenti...


Abdominoschisis (plural: abdominoschises) refers to a split or defect in the abdominal wall. Some authors use the term synonymously with a gastroschisis. When the defect continues into the thoracic region it is termed a thoracoabdominoschisis. A large abdominoschisis is considered part of the li...

Amniotic bands

Amniotic bands refer to free-floating blind-ending amnion with an intact chorionic membrane. In certain situations, they lead to amniotic band syndrome. They should not be confused with amniotic shelves which refer to the presence of amnion folding around pre-existing uterine adhesions. Some adv...


A dysgerminoma refers to a class of tumour with germ cell origin. This can refer to: CNS dysgerminoma ovarian dysgerminoma See also germ cell tumours

Periurethral cystic lesions

There are several periurethral cystic lesions. These include: female genitourinary tract: vaginal cysts Mullerian cyst Gartner duct cyst epidermal inclusion cyst of the vagina Skene duct cyst Bartholin gland cyst endometrial cyst of perineal-vulval-vaginal region male genitourinary trac...

Cystic endometrial hyperplasia

Cystic endometrial hyperplasia is the most common as well as the most benign form of endometrial hyperplasia. Radiographic features Ultrasound Typically shows endometrial thickening with associated cysts. Differential diagnosis For imaging appearances consider: prolonged proliferative phas...

Large loop excision of the transformation zone

Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is a gynaecological procedure. It is one of the most commonly used approaches to treat high grade cervical dysplasia - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Fetal colonic dilatation

Fetal colonic dilatation specifically refers to dilatation of the fetal colon - large bowel  This can occur in a number of situations anal atresia anorectal atresia Hirschsprung disease See also fetal bowel dilatation

Tinel sign

The Tinel sign refers to distal paresthaesia which is induced by percussion over the affected portion of an entrapped nerve.  It is particularly useful in the diagnosis of entrapment syndromes: carpal tunnel syndrome tarsal tunnel syndrome

Non-visualisation of the fetal gallbladder

Non-visualisation of the fetal gallbladder is often a transient finding and in most cases, the gallbladder can be eventually detected. However non-visualisation can be rarely associated with certain pathological conditions. Associations cystic fibrosis aneuploidy agenesis of the gallbladder ...

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