Items tagged “wrist”

200 results found

Lunate dislocation

  Diagnosis certain
Jorge A. Chaib Neto
Published 09 Dec 2018
91% complete

Extensor carpi ulnaris tendinopathy

Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendinopathy is varied and includes tendinosis, (stenosing) tenosynovitis, tendon instability, and (rarely) rupture.  Epidemiology Athletes at increased risk of ECU tendinopathy include those who participate in 1,2: racquet sports, e.g. tennis club sports, e.g. g...

Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury

Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injuries may be traumatic or degenerative in nature. The TFCC is a complex structure consisting of the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) disc proper, ulnomeniscal homologue and numerous ligaments and tendons. Clinical presentation Traumatic injuries are u...


  Diagnosis certain
Khalid Alhusseiny
Published 14 Feb 2019
90% complete

Kienböck disease

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mostafa Elfeky
Published 26 Feb 2019
73% complete
X-ray MRI

Accessory abductor digiti minimi muscle (hand)

An accessory abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscle is the most common accessory muscle of the hand and wrist, found in 24% of individuals on the hypothenar eminence. When present it is one of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. Summary origin: antebrachial fascia passing anteriorly to Guyon cana...

Triquetral bone fracture

  Diagnosis almost certain
Naim Qaqish
Published 07 Dec 2019
79% complete

Central triangular fibrocartilage perforation

  Diagnosis certain
Dai Roberts
Published 08 Jan 2020
98% complete
MRI Fluoroscopy

Trapezium fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Amanda Er
Published 04 Mar 2020
97% complete

Normal wrist arthrograms

  Diagnosis not applicable
Dai Roberts
Published 01 Apr 2020
65% complete
MRI Fluoroscopy

Radial beak

  Diagnosis certain
Daniel MacManus
Published 15 Aug 2020
94% complete

Midcarpal dislocation

  Diagnosis certain
Matt A. Morgan
Published 18 Aug 2020
82% complete

Radioscaphocapitate ligament

The radioscaphocapitate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligaments and a volar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The radioscaphocapitate ligament connects the palmar surface of the distal radius with the scaphoid and the capitate bone, running in an o...

Long radiolunate ligament

The long radiolunate ligament is a large intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligament and a volar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Terminology The long radiolunate ligament is also known as 'radiolunotriquetral ligament', 'volar radiotriquetral ligament' or 'volar radiolunate ligament'. G...

Short radiolunate ligament

The short radiolunate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar radiocarpal ligaments and a volar stabiliser of the wrist and the lunate bone 1-4. Gross anatomy The short radiolunate ligament forms a part of the volar radiocarpal joint capsule and connects the palmar surface of th...

Dorsal radiocarpal ligament

The dorsal radiocarpal ligament, also known as the dorsal radiolunotriquetral or dorsal radiotriquetral ligament, is a large extrinsic intracapsular dorsal radiocarpal ligament and one of the main dorsal stabilisers of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The dorsal radiocarpal ligament forms a part o...

Ulnolunate ligament

The ulnolunate ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic palmar ulnocarpal ligaments and a component of the ulnocarpal complex 1-4. Gross anatomy The ulnolunate ligament forms the anterior part of the ulnocarpal joint capsule together with the ulnotriquetral ligament, with which it share...

Ulnotriquetral ligament

The ulnotriquetral ligament is one of the intracapsular extrinsic palmar ulnocarpal ligaments and a component of the ulnocarpal complex 1-4. Gross anatomy The ulnotriquetral ligament forms the anterior and ulnar part of the ulnocarpal joint capsule together with the ulnolunate ligament, with w...

Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist

The ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist is an extrinsic dorsal ulnocarpal ligament and functions as a part of the triangular fibrocartilage complex as an ulnar stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The ulnar collateral ligament connects the ulnar styloid al process with the triquetrum ...

Radial collateral ligament of the wrist

The radial collateral ligament or radioscaphoid ligament is one of the intracapsular, extrinsic radiocarpal ligaments and a radial stabiliser of the wrist 1-3. Gross anatomy The radial collateral ligament connects the radial styloid process with the scaphoid running in a fan-shaped, fairly lon...

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