Hydrocephalus vs atrophy

Changed by Yaïr Glick, 29 Sep 2022
Disclosures - updated 4 May 2022: Nothing to disclose

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Hydrocephalus versusvs atrophy
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Distinguishing primary hydrocephalus from atrophy resulting in compensatory enlargement of the CSF spaces asthe cause of ventriculomegaly can be, at times, challenging in image interpretation.

Radiographic features

Features that favour hydrocephalus include:

  • -<p>Distinguishing primary <strong>hydrocephalus </strong>from<strong> atrophy </strong>resulting in <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus-ex-vacuo">compensatory enlargement of the CSF spaces</a> as<strong> </strong>the cause of <a href="/articles/ventriculomegaly">ventriculomegaly</a> can be, at times, challenging in image interpretation.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>Features that favour <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus">hydrocephalus</a> include:</p><ul>
  • +<p>Distinguishing primary <strong>hydrocephalus </strong>from<strong> atrophy </strong>resulting in <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus-ex-vacuo">compensatory enlargement of the CSF spaces</a> as<strong> </strong>the cause of <a href="/articles/ventriculomegaly-1">ventriculomegaly</a> can be, at times, challenging in image interpretation.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>Features that favour <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus">hydrocephalus</a> include:</p><ul>
  • -<li>periventricular interstitial oedema from the <a href="/articles/transependymal-oedema">transependymal flow</a> </li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a title="Transependymal oedema" href="/articles/transependymal-oedema">periventricular interstitial oedema</a> from the <a href="/articles/transependymal-oedema">transependymal flow</a> </li>

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Hydrocephalus versus atrophy
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