Paediatric liver tumour staging (PRETEXT grouping system)

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 18 Nov 2020

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Paediatric liver tumour staging (PRETEXT grouping system)
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The PRETEXT system proposed by the International Childhood Liver Tumours Strategy Group (previously called Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique - Epithelial Liver Tumour Study Group - SIOPEL) aims for staging and risk stratification of liver tumours at diagnosis. 

It is used to describe tumour extent before any therapy, thus allowing more effective comparison between studies conducted by different groups. 

The liver tumours could be staged by interpretation of CT or ultrasound with or without additional imaging by MRI. 

Original system was created to classify hepatoblastomas, but after its revision in 2005 it can be used for any tumour lesion of the liver in children1.

This system is based on Couinaud’s segmentation of the liver. The liver segments are grouped into sections:

  • left lateral section: segments 2 and 3
  • left medial section: segments 4a and 4b
  • right anterior section: segments 5 and 8
  • right posterior section: segments 6 and 7

The caudate lobe of the liver (segment 1) was initially ignored.

PRETEXT number and its definition:
  1. one section is involved and three adjoining sections are free
  2. one or two sections are involved, but two adjoining sections are free
  3. tumour involves three liver sections and one liver section is free of tumour or tumour involves two liver sections and two non-adjoining liver sections are free of tumour
  4. all four sections are involved, there is no liver section free of tumour

Stage increases and prognosis decreases as the number of liver sections radiologically involved-involved with tumour increases from one to four.

In 2005 the revision of the system was performed and a number of additional categories were proposed1. They include: 

  • caudate lobe involvement (letter C)
  • extrahepatic abdominal disease (E)
  • tumour focality (F)
  • tumour rupture or intraperitoneal haemorrhage (H)
  • distant metastases (M)
  • lymph node metastases (N)
  • portal vein involvement (P) and 
  • Involvementinvolvement of the IVC and/or hepatic veins (V)

PRETEXT system divides patients into two risk groups: 

  • high-risk group can be characterized by following features:
  • the rest of patients belong to the standard risk group
  • -<p>The <strong>PRETEXT system</strong> proposed by the International Childhood Liver Tumours Strategy Group (previously called Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique - Epithelial Liver Tumour Study Group - SIOPEL) aims for staging and risk stratification of <a href="/articles/liver-tumours">liver tumours</a> at diagnosis. </p><p>It is used to describe tumour extent before any therapy, thus allowing more effective comparison between studies conducted by different groups. </p><p>The liver tumours could be staged by interpretation of CT or ultrasound with or without additional imaging by MRI. </p><p>Original system was created to classify hepatoblastomas, but after its revision in 2005 it can be used for any tumour lesion of the liver in children<sup>1</sup>.</p><p>This system is based on <a href="/articles/couinaud-classification-of-hepatic-segments">Couinaud’s segmentation of the liver</a>. The liver segments are grouped into sections:</p><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>PRETEXT system</strong> proposed by the International Childhood Liver Tumours Strategy Group (previously called Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique - Epithelial Liver Tumour Study Group - SIOPEL) aims for staging and risk stratification of <a href="/articles/liver-tumours">liver tumours</a> at diagnosis. </p><p>It is used to describe tumour extent before any therapy, thus allowing more effective comparison between studies conducted by different groups. </p><p>The liver tumours could be staged by interpretation of CT or ultrasound with or without additional imaging by MRI. </p><p>Original system was created to classify hepatoblastomas, but after its revision in 2005 it can be used for any tumour lesion of the liver in children <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>This system is based on <a href="/articles/couinaud-classification-of-hepatic-segments">Couinaud’s segmentation of the liver</a>. The liver segments are grouped into sections:</p><ul>
  • -</ul><p>The caudate lobe of the liver was initially ignored. </p><h6>PRETEXT number and its definition:</h6><ol>
  • +</ul><p>The caudate lobe of the liver (segment 1) was initially ignored.</p><h6>PRETEXT number and its definition:</h6><ol>
  • -</ol><p>Stage increases and prognosis decreases as the number of liver sections radiologically involved with tumour increases from one to four.</p><p>In 2005 the revision of the system was performed and a number of additional categories were proposed<sup>1</sup>. They include: </p><ul>
  • +</ol><p>Stage increases and prognosis decreases as the number of liver sections radiologically-involved with tumour increases from one to four.</p><p>In 2005 the revision of the system was performed and a number of additional categories were proposed <sup>1</sup>. They include: </p><ul>
  • -<li>Involvement of the IVC and/or hepatic veins (V)</li>
  • +<li>involvement of the IVC and/or hepatic veins (V)</li>
  • -<li>serum alpha-fetoprotein &lt;100 μg/l</li>
  • +<li>
  • +<a href="/articles/alpha-fetoprotein-1">serum alpha fetoprotein</a> &lt;100 μg/L</li>

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