Peroneal magnus artery

Changed by Henry Knipe, 10 Jun 2016

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peroneaPeronea arteria magna

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The peroneal magnus artery (oror peronea arteria magna, (PAM) is a congenital variant of the arterial supply of the leg, where both the anterior and posterior tibial arteries are hypoplastic and a large dominant peroneal artery supplies the whole leg and foot. It is seen in up to 5% of people 1,3.

Related pathology

It is of clinical signifancesignificance 2 in plastic surgery when graft harvest is performed, which can lead to increased complications at the donor site. Foot ischaemia is possible following harvest surgery or with atherosclerotic disease or trauma that would otherwise to lead to ischaemaischaemia in the presence of normal 3 vessel runoff.

  • -<p>The <strong>peroneal magnus artery</strong> (or <strong>peronea arteria magna, PAM</strong>) is a congenital variant of the arterial supply of the leg, where both the <a href="/articles/anterior-tibial-artery">anterior </a>and <a href="/articles/posterior-tibial-artery">posterior tibial arteries</a> are hypoplastic and a large dominant <a href="/articles/fibular-artery">peroneal artery</a> supplies the whole leg and foot. It is seen in up to 5% of people <sup>1,3</sup>.</p><p>It is of clinical signifance <sup>2</sup> in plastic surgery when graft harvest is performed, which can lead to increased complications at the donor site. Foot ischaemia is possible following harvest surgery or with atherosclerotic disease or trauma that would otherwise to lead to ischaema in the presence of normal 3 vessel runoff.</p><p> </p>
  • +<p>The <strong>peroneal magnus artery</strong> or <strong>peronea arteria magna </strong>(<strong>PAM</strong>) is a congenital variant of the arterial supply of the leg, where both the <a href="/articles/anterior-tibial-artery">anterior </a>and <a href="/articles/posterior-tibial-artery">posterior tibial arteries</a> are hypoplastic and a large dominant <a href="/articles/fibular-artery">peroneal artery</a> supplies the whole leg and foot. It is seen in up to 5% of people <sup>1,3</sup>.</p><h4>Related pathology</h4><p>It is of clinical significance <sup>2</sup> in plastic surgery when graft harvest is performed, which can lead to increased complications at the donor site. Foot ischaemia is possible following harvest surgery or with atherosclerotic disease or trauma that would otherwise to lead to ischaemia in the presence of normal 3 vessel runoff.</p>

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