Primary fallopian tube carcinoma (staging)

Last revised by Vincent Tatco on 27 Jul 2022

The staging used for primary fallopian tubal carcinoma is the FIGO system and is as follows:

  • stage I: limited to fallopian tubes
    • stage Ia: limited to lining of one fallopian tube (intraluminal)
    • stage Ib: limited to inner linings of both tubes (intraluminal)
    • stage Ic: invasion beyond the inner lining of the tube, or positive ascites or peritoneal washings
  • stage II: regional pelvic spread (but not beyond)
    • stage IIa: spread to the ovary and/or the uterus. No malignant ascites or peritoneal washings (can have benign ascites)
    • stage IIb: spread to other parts of the pelvis. no malignant ascites or peritoneal washings
    • stage IIc: either IIa or IIb with malignant ascites or positive peritoneal washings.
  • stage III: involvement outside the pelvis and/or in regional lymph nodes
    • stage IIIa: microscopic tumour on the surfaces of abdominal organs, e.g. bowel, hepatic surface
    • stage IIIb: tumour deposits <2 cm on organ surfaces 
    • stage IIIc: tumour deposits >2 cm and/or spread to local lymph nodes.
  • stage IV: distant solid organ metastases, e.g. intrahepatic

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