Radiology training in Brazil

Last revised by Bruno Di Muzio on 2 Aug 2021

Radiology training in Brazil is a three-years programme overseen by both the Brazilian College of Radiology (in Portuguese: Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia, CBR) and the Ministry of Education.

The radiology training can start after completion of the general six-year medical training programme, which is awarded with the degree of physician (in Portuguese: grau de médico), equivalent to Doctor of Medicine (MD).  

All the residence programmes in Brazil are regulated as they are considered postgraduate studies by the Ministry of Education, which regulates all the superior educational institutions in the country. These programmes usually take part in academic hospitals and the admission to them is through a public exam which comprises two or three phases at the institution's discretion:

  • objective multiple choice test involving the basic areas of medicine (weight in evaluation: around 50%)
  • practical test involving the basic areas of medicine (around 40%)
  • curriculum review and interview (maximum of 10%).

The specialist title in radiology is given by the Ministry of Education for those who accomplish the residence programme in a certified institution (Art. 6 Lei No 6.932, 07/07/1981).

There are also some institutions, specifically private diagnostic clinics and some private hospitals, which offers the same three-year training programme although not being recognized as a residence programme by the Ministry of Education. 

The Brazilian College of Radiology Board Certification is an exam that also confers the specialist title, and it is mandatory for those who did not train in a official residence programme.


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