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16,918 results

Gastric volvulus

Gastric volvulus is a specific type of volvulus that occurs when the stomach twists on its mesentery. It should be at least 180° and cause bowel obstruction to be called gastric volvulus. Merely gastric rotation on its root is not considered gastric volvulus. Epidemiology Organo-axial volvulus...

Cascade stomach

A cascade stomach, also called a cup and spill configuration, is an anatomic variant of the stomach involving an angulation separating the fundus and body of the stomach without twisting around the gastric mesenteries. It is named for its appearance on contrast swallow, where contrast may fill t...

Air-tissue interface sign - breast

Air-tissue interface sign on mammography in cases where the mass is located on the skin helps to distinguish it from intra-mammary mass so that in the skin-based lesion, due to the presence of air in the vicinity of a part of the margin, its border is pretty sharp and a narrow lucent rim around ...

Cingulate gyrus

The cingulate gyrus lies on the medial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. It forms a major part of the limbic system which has functions in emotion and behavior. The frontal portion is termed the anterior cingulate gyrus (or cortex) 1,2.  Gross anatomy Location The cingulate gyrus extends fro...

Pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema is a broad descriptive term and is usually defined as an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the extravascular compartments of the lung 1. Clinical presentation The clinical presentation of pulmonary edema includes: acute breathlessness orthopnea paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (...

Medical abbreviations and acronyms (C)

This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter C and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep both the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order). A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q...

Celiac disease

Celiac disease, also known as non-tropical sprue, is the most common gluten-related disorder and is a T-cell mediated autoimmune chronic gluten intolerance condition characterized by a loss of villi in the proximal small bowel and gastrointestinal malabsorption (sprue). It should always be cons...

Myometrial arterial calcification

Myometrial arterial calcification are thought to increase with advancing age and may represent calcification of radial or arcuate arteries of the uterus.  They may have an increased association with atherosclerosis elsewhere. Radiographic features Ultrasound They may be seen as hyperechoic m...

Postarthroscopic glenohumeral chondrolysis (PAGCL)

Postarthroscopic glenohumeral chondrolysis (PAGCL) is a rare complication of arthroscopic surgery in which there is rapid dissolution of articular cartilage with degenerative change of the glenohumeral articulation. Epidemiology PAGCL is more frequent in young people between 10 and 40 years, a...

Aicardi-Goutières syndrome

Aicardi-Goutières syndrome is a rare hereditary neurodegenerative disease which usually presents in early infancy as a systemic and central nervous system inflammatory syndrome characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, vasculopathy and encephalopathy. Many of the features are similar to congenital TO...

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis represents the end result of a continuous, prolonged, inflammatory, and fibrosing process that affects the pancreas. This results in irreversible morphologic changes and permanent endocrine and exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. Epidemiology The most common cause of chronic ...

Mass-forming chronic pancreatitis

Mass-forming chronic pancreatitis occurs in around 30% of cases of chronic pancreatitis, where a mass or a focal enlargement of the pancreas is usually seen on imaging. In many instances, it poses a challenge as the epidemiology and imaging appearances overlap those of pancreatic adenocarcinoma....

Rockwood classification of acromioclavicular joint injury

The Rockwood classification (1998) is the most commonly used (c.2024) classification system in use for acromioclavicular joint injuries 3,8,9.  Usage This well-known 6-type system is a modification of the earlier 3-class classification system described by Allman (1967) 2 and Tossy (1963). The ...

Subcutaneous emphysema

Subcutaneous emphysema (also known commonly, although less correctly, as surgical emphysema), strictly speaking, refers to gas in the subcutaneous tissues. But the term is generally used to describe any soft tissue emphysema of the body wall or limbs since the gas often dissects into the deeper ...


Bronchiectasis (plural: bronchiectases) is defined as an irreversible abnormal dilatation of the bronchial tree. It has a variety of underlying causes, with a common etiology of chronic inflammation. High-resolution CT is the most accurate modality for diagnosis. Epidemiology As there are many...

Tram-track sign (chest)

Tram-track sign may be used in chest radiography or CT to denote the thickened non-tapering (parallel) walls of cylindrical bronchiectasis. It should not be confused with other tram-track signs elsewhere in the body. 

Ectopic posterior pituitary

An ectopic posterior pituitary reflects a disruption of normal embryogenesis of the posterior pituitary and is one of the more common causes of pituitary dwarfism. Although it can be an isolated abnormality, numerous other congenital central nervous system malformations have been identified. Whe...

Hamada classification of massive rotator cuff tears

The Hamada classification divides the x-ray features of massive rotator cuff tears into five grades. Subsequently, Walch subdivided grade 4 into two subtypes 1,2. Classification Hamada classification with Walch modification of rotator cuff tear arthropathy 1,3: grade 1: acromiohumeral interva...

Lemierre syndrome

Lemierre syndrome, also known as postanginal septicemia, refers to thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein(s) with distant metastatic anaerobic septicemia in the setting of initial bacterial oropharyngeal infection such as pharyngitis/tonsillitis into lateral pharyngeal spaces of the neck ...

Vitamin B6 excess

Vitamin B6 excess (hypervitaminosis B6) is caused by excessive consumption of supplemental pyridoxine, which is used as a therapeutic agent for several conditions.  Epidemiology This hypervitaminosis is typically seen in those taking pyridoxine as prescription medication; it remains in use for...

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