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16,936 results

Genu recurvatum

Genu recurvatum describes the malalignment or deformity of the knee joint with extension beyond neutral (i.e. hyperextension).  Pathology Genu recurvatum can be associated with subluxation or dislocation of the knee joint.  Etiology congenital arthrogryposis multiplex congenita congenital ...

Transmantle sign (brain)

The transmantle sign is an MRI feature of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), almost exclusively seen in type II (ILAE/Blumcke classification), and especially in type IIb 1-5. Pathology The transmantle sign is believed to be related to abnormal function of, or injury to radial glial fibers (which ...

Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE)

Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE) is a histopathological entity primarily associated with drug-resistant frontal lobe epilepsy. MOGHE is characterized by a distinct histological phenotype that includes blurred gray-white matter bound...

Mild malformation of cortical development

Mild malformations of cortical development (mMCD), previously known as microdysgenesis 4, correspond to microscopic malformations of cortical development with heterotopic neurons and an abnormal cortical architecture 1.  For a broader view of malformations of cortical development, refer to the ...

Focal cortical dysplasia

Focal cortical dysplasias (FCD) represent a heterogeneous group of disorders of cortical formation, which may demonstrate both architectural and proliferative features. They are one of the most common causes of epilepsy and can be associated with hippocampal sclerosis and cortical glioneuronal n...

Blumcke classification of focal cortical dysplasia

Blumcke et al. proposed the widely adopted International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) consensus classification system for focal cortical dysplasia in 2011 2, which shares many features with the previously described classification systems by Palmini (2004) and Barkovich (2005).  In 2022, an up...

Seminal vesicle cyst

Seminal vesicle cysts can be congenital or acquired. Epidemiology Age of presentation of congenital seminal vesicular cysts is during the period of greatest reproductive activity i.e. in second and third decades of life, while acquired cysts are most often seen in the elderly age group. Clini...

Glenolabral articular disruption lesion

Glenolabral articular disruption (GLAD) lesions result from a forced adduction injury. There is a superficial anterior inferior labral tear associated with an anterior inferior glenoid articular cartilage injury. These lesions do not tend to be associated with shoulder instability. Radiographic...

Left-sided superior vena cava

A left-sided superior vena cava (SVC) is the most common congenital venous anomaly in the chest, and in a minority of cases can result in a right-to-left shunt 3,4. Epidemiology A left-sided SVC is seen in 0.3-0.5% of the normal population and in ~5% of those with congenital heart disease 3. I...

Closed loop obstruction

Closed loop obstructions are a specific type of bowel obstruction in which two points along the course of the bowel are obstructed, usually but not always the transition points are adjacent at a single location. The closed loop refers to a segment of bowel without proximal or distal outlets for ...

Apophyseal avulsion fractures of the pelvis and hip

Apophyseal avulsion fractures of the pelvis and hip are relatively common among physically active adolescents and young adults. Epidemiology Pelvic and hip apophyseal injuries typically occur in the 14 to 25 year age range. Mechanism Kicking sports, such as soccer, and gymnastics are frequen...

External iliac lymph nodes

The external iliac lymph nodes can be found surrounding the external iliac artery and act as the draining nodes for several regions of the pelvis and lower limb.  Gross anatomy The external iliac lymph nodes lie anterior to the internal iliac lymph nodes and usually form three separate subgrou...

Mosaic attenuation pattern in lung

Mosaic attenuation is a descriptive term used in describing a patchwork of regions of differing pulmonary attenuation on CT imaging. It is a non-specific finding, although is associated with the following: obstructive small airways disease: low attenuation regions are abnormal and reflect two p...

Distal radioulnar joint osteoarthritis

Distal radioulnar joint osteoarthritis is a condition in which arthritis in distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) causes pain and limited function in wrist joint. DRUJ plays a vital role in forearm rotation and axial weight bearing. Soft tissues around this joint play an important role in providing sta...

Chronic myocarditis

Chronic myocarditis is a prolonged or ongoing myocardial inflammation in the setting of non-dilated or mildly dilated cardiomyopathy 1-5. There have been significant differences concerning the exact definition of the concept as well as the time interval after the onset of symptoms, with the latt...

Necrotizing pancreatitis

Necrotizing pancreatitis represents a severe form of acute pancreatitis. It is considered a subtype of acute pancreatitis as necrosis usually tends to occur early, within the first 24-48 hours, but can also rarely occur with subacute forms. A key feature is a significant amount of pancreatic an...

Osteochondroma malignant transformation (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic for listing the radiological and clinical features suggestive of osteochondroma malignant (sarcomatous) transformation is 1: GLAD PaST Mnemonic G: growth after skeletal maturity L: lucency (new) A: additional scintigraphic activity D: destruction (cortical) P: pain after...

Acute necrotic collection

Acute necrotic collections (ANCs) are an early, local complication of necrotizing pancreatitis. Terminology The following are the latest terms according to the updated Atlanta classification to describe fluid collections associated with acute pancreatitis 1,2: fluid collections in interstitia...

Prostatic utricle cyst

A prostatic utricle cyst, also known as a utricular cyst, is an area of focal dilatation that occurs within the prostatic utricle. They are midline cystic masses in the male pelvis and can be very difficult or impossible to distinguish from a Müllerian duct cyst. Epidemiology Utricle cysts ar...

Müllerian duct cyst

A Müllerian duct cyst is a cyst that arises from remnants of the Müllerian duct and is one of the midline cystic masses in the male pelvis.  Epidemiology Müllerian duct cysts usually occur in the 3rd and 4th decades of life (whereas prostatic utricle cysts are most often detected in the 1st an...

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