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16,909 results found

Transverse sinus

The paired left and right transverse sinuses, or lateral sinuses, are major dural venous sinuses and arise from the confluence of the superior sagittal, occipital and straight sinuses at the torcular herophili (confluence of sinuses). On each side, the transverse sinus then runs in the lateral ...

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), also known as pseudotumor cerebri, is a syndrome with signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure but where a causative mass or hydrocephalus is not identified. Terminology The older term benign intracranial hypertension is generally frowne...

Transverse sinus stenosis

Transverse sinus stenosis, or lateral sinus stenosis, describes reduction in the caliber of the transverse sinus. Although potentially seen in a number of contexts, including within the asymptomatic general population, transverse sinus stenosis is an important finding in patients with idiopathic...


Enucleation of the eye describes the surgical removal of the entire globe with the separation of all connections to the orbit, including optic nerve transection. Alternatives such as evisceration or exenteration can be considered according to the underlying diagnosis and disease. Rarely, auto-e...

Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy

Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is a relatively new treatment for certain cancers which result in immune system-mediated destruction of tumor cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors act through a unique mechanism of action when compared with those of conventional chemotherapeutic agents. They c...

Bladder outlet obstruction

Bladder outlet obstruction can arise from a number of conditions affecting the urethra and/or bladder outlet but is most commonly encountered in elderly men due to prostate enlargement.  Clinical presentation Patients often present with difficulty in urination, retention, and urinary discomfor...

Pine cone bladder

A pine cone bladder or Christmas tree bladder is a cystographic appearance in which the bladder is elongated and pointed with a thickened, trabeculated wall. It is typically seen in severe neurogenic bladder with increased sphincter tone (detrusor sphincter dyssynergia) due to suprasacral lesion...

Acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is a broad term that encompasses a myriad of causes of gastric mucosal inflammation. Epidemiology  It depends on the etiology (see below). Clinical presentation asymptomatic epigastric pain/tenderness nausea and vomiting loss of appetite Pathology Etiology infection: H....

Peptic ulcer disease

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) encompasses a number of entities, united by the presence of mucosal ulceration secondary to the effects of gastric acid. Since the recognition of Helicobacter pylori as a common causative agent and the development of powerful anti-acid medications, peptic ulcer disease...

Carotid body

The carotid body is located within the neck, and in close proximity to the carotid bifurcation. It is composed of a number of chemoreceptor cells and supporting matrix and detects changes in the composition of blood in the common carotid as it forms the internal and external carotid arteries. I...

Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE)

Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE) is a histopathological entity primarily associated with drug-resistant frontal lobe epilepsy. MOGHE is characterized by a distinct histological phenotype that includes blurred gray-white matter bound...

Central retinal artery occlusion

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a cause of inner retinal infarction and profound, monocular vision loss, most commonly caused by embolic occlusion of the central retinal artery. It is often considered to be the ocular/retinal equivalent to cerebral ischemic stroke. Clinical presentat...

Acute spinal cord ischemia syndrome

Acute spinal cord ischemia syndrome, also known as acute spinal cord infarction, is uncommon, but usually presents with profound neurological signs and symptoms, and the prognosis is poor.  Epidemiology Acute spinal cord ischemia syndrome represents only 5-8% of acute myelopathies 4,5 and <1% ...

Sulcal artery syndrome

Sulcal artery syndrome is a rare cause of spinal cord infarction involving the territory of one of the sulcal arteries, which are penetrating branches of the anterior spinal artery, each vessel supplying either left or right side of the cord, but not both. The result is an incomplete Brown-Séqua...

Pleuropulmonary blastoma

Pleuropulmonary blastomas are a rare, variably aggressive, childhood primary intrathoracic malignancy. In up to 25% of cases, the mass can be extrapulmonary with attachment to the parietal pleura. They are classified under sarcomatoid carcinomas of the lungs.  Epidemiology Pleuropulmonary blas...

Ureteric stent

Ureteric stents, also known as ureteral stents, double J stents, JJ stents or retrograde ureteric stents, are urological catheters that have two "J-shaped" (curled) ends, where one is anchored in the renal pelvis and the other inside the bladder. Stents are used for the free passage of urine fr...

Encrusted ureteric stent

Ureteric stent encrustation is a significant complication of ureteric stent placement, it can prone patient to renal damage. The timely endourologic intervention has a significant role in the rescue of renal function 1,3. Pathology Causes of encrustation are multifactorial which include: calc...

Aortic dissection

Aortic dissection is the prototype and most common form of acute aortic syndromes and a type of arterial dissection. It occurs when blood enters the medial layer of the aortic wall through a tear or penetrating ulcer in the intima and tracks longitudinally along with the media, forming a second ...

Blumcke classification of focal cortical dysplasia

Blumcke et al. proposed the widely adopted International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) consensus classification system for focal cortical dysplasia in 2011 2, which shares many features with the previously described classification systems by Palmini (2004) and Barkovich (2005).  In 2022, an up...

Gastric cancer (TNM staging)

Gastric cancer staging is routinely performed using the TNM staging system. This article is based on the 8th edition of the AJCC TNM classification of malignant tumors. This is technically the clinical TNM staging (cTNM). cTNM staging (8th edition) T Tx: primary tumor cannot be assessed T0: ...

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