The sympathetic nervous system (SNS), mediated by the sympathetic chain (trunk) and ganglia, is a major division of the autonomic nervous system. It is composed of general visceral afferent and efferent axons that allow for involuntary control of bodily functions via the hypothalamus.
The overarching function of the sympathetic system is to control the 'fight, fright or flight' (sympathoadrenal) response.
The major preganglionic neurotransmitter in the sympathetic system is acetylcholine (ACh). The major postganglionic neurotransmitter is norepinephrine, except in sweat glands where acetylcholine is released 1.
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Gross anatomy
The sympathetic chain is located anterolateral to the vertebral bodies within the perivertebral space. It is comprised of paired, longitudinally arranged, paravertebral sympathetic ganglia linked together by myelinated axons forming the sympathetic trunk. It extends from the upper neck to the coccyx.
Branches from the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia may communicate with paravertebral sympathetic ganglia and/or form a plexus prior to innervating the target organ.
Sympathetic chain and ganglia:
within the perivertebral space, lateral to the vertebral bodies and anterior to the intervertebral foramen at their respective spinal level
extends from the upper neck to the coccyx
23 paired sympathetic ganglia and 1 unpaired coccygeal sympathetic ganglion (ganglion impar)
The sympathetic chain and ganglia are comprised of discrete sympathetic ganglia (containing neuronal cell bodies) which communicate with each ganglion via the sympathetic trunk (containing myelinated axons).
cervical: three discrete interconnected ganglia:
superior cervical ganglion - elongated cylindrical shape formed by embryologically fused C1 to C4 sympathetic ganglia
inferior cervical ganglion which in the majority of people partially fuses with the T1 sympathetic ganglion forming the stellate ganglion- located within the cervicothoracic junction
thorax: T2 to T12 thoracic sympathetic ganglia adjacent to their respective vertebral bodies, located within the posterior mediastinum
abdomen: L1 to L5 lumbar sympathetic ganglia. Located anteriorly to the thoracolumbar fascia within the perivertebral space and posteromedial to the psoas major muscle
pelvis: S1 to S5 sacral sympathetic ganglia. Located on the anterior surface of the sacrum medial to the S1-S4 sacral foramina
unpaired coccygeal ganglion - also known as ganglion impar
Efferent pathway
Intra-axial component:
sympathetic nuclei are located within the hypothalamus
white matter tracts course to spinal cord segments between T1 and L2
axons synapse at cell bodies within the intermediolateral nucleus of the grey matter lateral horns between T1 and L2 spinal segments
Thoracolumbar outflow:
preganglionic myelinated fibers enter the sympathetic ganglia at that spinal level by coursing through the ventral roots, spinal nerve and then white ramus communicans
above T1 and below L2, there are only grey ramus communicans between the spinal nerve and the sympathetic ganglion
Within the paravertebral sympathetic ganglion, the preganglionic axons may then behave in one of several ways:
preganglionic axons may synapse at their respective ganglia, and then re-enter the spinal nerve as postganglionic axons (via grey ramus communicans). This route supplies dermatomes and myotomes
preganglionic axons may travel superiorly or inferiorly along the sympathetic chain to synapse with one (or many) of a more rostral or caudal ganglia
preganglionic axons can leave the sympathetic ganglion directly via sympathetic branches (e.g. to celiac or superior mesenteric ganglia)
It should be noted that more than one preganglionic axon can synapse with single post-ganglionic neuron.
Afferent pathway
cell bodies are located within the dorsal root ganglion
axons travel from the target organ to the dorsal root ganglion via the same plexus and nerves that carry efferent fibers
sympathetic axons can synapse at the intermediolateral nucleus to form a sympathetic reflex arc, or ascend to the hypothalamus within the spinal cord
Branches of the paravertebral ganglia, prevertebral ganglia and plexus (from superior to inferior):
superior cervical ganglia send branches to the head via sympathetic branches that accompany the internal and external carotid arteries
sympathetics course with the ophthalmic artery to innervate the dilator pupillae and levator palpebrae superioris muscles
forms the deep petrosal nerve, which combines with the greater petrosal nerve to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal
may course with branches of the external carotid artery to supply sublingual gland, submandibular gland and parotid gland
Neck and thorax
superior, middle and inferior cardiac nerves (T1-4): arise from the superior cervical ganglion, middle cervical ganglion, inferior cervical ganglion respectively
form the superficial/deep cardiac plexus and pulmonary plexus which supplies the heart and bronchi respectively
thoracic cardiac branches: arising from T1-4 sympathetic ganglia which innervate the cardiac plexus
contribute to esophageal plexus and thoracic aortic plexus which supplies the esophagus and thoracic aorta
greater (T5-10) and lesser (T10-11) splanchnic nerves - arise from the respective thoracic sympathetic ganglia within the posterior mediastinum
pierce the crura of the diaphragm to enter the abdominal cavity, join the celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia - communicates with the inferior mesenteric ganglia via the intermesenteric plexus
celiac plexus - supplies the liver (via hepatic plexus), gallbladder, bile duct, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands (via suprarenal plexus), and foregut
superior mesenteric plexus - supplies the midgut (via mesenteric branches) by following the superior mesenteric artery
aorticorenal plexus and renal plexus- supplies the kidneys via branches from lesser splanchnic (T10-11) - sympathetics course with the renal arteries to innervate the kidneys
fibers course with the gonadal arteries to innervate the ovaries/testes
least splanchnic nerve (T12)
aorticorenal plexus and renal plexus- supplies the kidneys - sympathetics course with the renal arteries to innervate the kidneys
lumbar splanchnic nerves (L1 and L2)
communicate with inferior mesenteric ganglia and course with the inferior mesenteric artery to supply the hindgut
superior hypogastric plexus: formed by descending fibers from the inferior mesenteric ganglion
right and left inferior hypogastric plexus - formed as the inferior continuation of superior hypogastric plexus - each courses anterolateral to the sacral promontory
sacral splanchnic nerves arising from the S1 to S5 sacral sympathetic ganglia provide branches to the inferior hypogastric plexus
supplies bladder (via vesical plexus), rectum (via rectal plexus), uterus/prostate (via uterovaginal/prostatic plexus)
anterior: scalenus anterior
anterolateral: sternocleidomastoid, carotid sheath (IJV, ICA, vagus nerve)
lateral: posterior triangle, fat, brachial plexus
posterior: transverse process, vertebral artery
Root of the neck
posterior: T1 spinal nerve
lateral: suprapleural membrane, vertebral artery
anterior: carotid sheath, stellate ganglion is located opposite to the neck of the 1st rib, phrenic nerve, scalenus anterior
posterior: intercostal nerves, intercostal vessels,
neck of the 1st rib, head of 2nd-10th ribs and lateral to bodies of T11 and T12 vertebrae
anterior: descending thoracic aorta, azygos vein, thoracic duct
lateral: parietal pleura
anterior: inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta
posterior: lumbar spinal nerves, lumbar arteries
anterolateral to lumbar vertebrae
lateral: psoas major, quadratus lumborum muscles
lateral: sacral foramina, spinal nerves
posterior: sacrum
Arterial supply
neck: ascending pharyngeal and ascending cervical arteries, thyrocervical trunk and supreme intercostal arteries 4
thorax: posterior intercostal arteries
abdomen: lumbar arteries
pelvis: lateral and median sacral arteries
Venous drainage
neck: small posterior veins into internal jugular vein 4
to be completed
Lymphatic drainage
abdomen: para-aortic lymph nodes, cisterna chyli
pelvis: internal iliac lymph nodes
Variant anatomy
unfused T1 and inferior cervical ganglia (absent stellate ganglion)
doubled superior cervical ganglion
absent superior cardiac branch (usually on the right)
accessory L3 white ramus communicans
Interventional procedures
percutaneous splanchnic nerve radiofrequency ablation