Bleeding butterfly glioma

Case contributed by Hoe Han Guan
Diagnosis probable


Sudden loss of consciousness and fell down.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Male

A large crossing-midline intra-axial mass at the genu of corpus callosum complicated with hemorrhage. It is associated with perilesional edema and expansion of corpus callosum.

Case Discussion

Differential diagnoses for brain tumor located across the midline at the genu of corpus callosum include high grade butterfly glioma (high grade astrocytomas, IDH-mutant or glioblastomas, IDH-wildtype), primary CNS lymphoma,tumefactive demyelination and cerebral metastases (rare).

In this case of massive hemorrhage from the tumor resulting in diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage and interventricular hemorrhage, the most likely diagnosis will be high grade glioma, though there are a few reported cases of primary CNS lymphoma.

No definite diagnosis for this case, as patient and family refused for further imaging investigation and histopathology examination.

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