Pedunculated hepatic haemangioma

Case contributed by Shaqe Arshavir Hmayakyan
Diagnosis certain


Pancreatic head large lesion on the US

Patient Data

Age: 85 years
Gender: Female

A well-defined, large, hypodense mass with a thin pedicle originating from segment III of the liver's left lobe. The mass presents with a pattern of peripheral, nodular puddling, and centripetal enhancement that fills in partially on the delayed images. The lesion is adjacent to the neck of the pancreas.

There are also 3 lesions in segments IV, VI, and VII with lacunar enhancement patterns.

Case Discussion

This is a case of a large pedunculated hepatic haemangioma originating in segment III.

On the US, the mass mimics a large pancreatic head lesion, but on contrast-enhanced CT, specific nodular puddling enhancement of a pedunculated hepatic haemangioma is seen.

Complications of pedunculated haemangioma include torsion and infarction, producing mostly abdominal pain.

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