Renal cell carcinoma with dominant necrotic changes

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis almost certain


Left flank pain.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

A 133 × 114 × 122 mm partially exophytic hetero-dense mass is noted in the anterior aspect of the left kidney. After contrast media injection, the mass shows heterogeneous enhancement with a large area of central necrosis. There is no sign of local invasion and no vascular extension.

Two prominent lymph nodes with SAD less than 10mm are seen at the para-aortic level.

A 20 mm thin-walled non-enhanced cyst is noted in the left liver lobe.

A small fat-containing para-umbilical hernia is present.

The prostate gland is enlarged.

Case Discussion

The patient underwent a left nephrectomy, and histopathology evaluation confirmed renal cell carcinoma with a large necrotic component.

It should noted that central necrosis is common in large renal cell carcinomas and may mimic a Bosniak class IV cystic renal mass. So, as a rule, if the enhancing solid component volume of a renal cystic lesion is more than 25% of all mass volume, the Bosniak classification should not be used, and the mass should be instead categorized as a solid renal mass with cystic/necrotic changes; because a solid renal cell carcinoma with cystic/necrotic changes has a poor prognosis compared to the renal cell carcinoma that is arising from a Bosniak class IV cystic renal mass 1.

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