Migrated intrauterine contraceptive device

Case contributed by Hidayatullah Hamidi
Diagnosis certain


History of intrauterine device (IUD) placement 3 years back, but despite that, the patient got pregnant and had normal delivery one year back. Repeated transabdominal ultrasonography examinations reported no intrauterine device. The patient complains from chronic low back and pelvic pain and a radiography is prescribed for her.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

In the frontal projection, the IUD appears to have an abnormal configuration. On the lateral projection it appears posterior to the expected location of the endometrial cavity.

An echogenic linear structure is well demonstrated posterior to the uterus.

CT also demonstrates the displaced contraceptive device in the rectouterine pouch. 

Case Discussion

Intrauterine device migration from its normal position in the uterine fundus is a known complication.

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