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Perforated sigmoid diverticulitis with abscess formation

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Left lower abdominal pain, fever with leukocytosis and elevated ESR and CRP.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Numerous diverticula of the sigmoid and descending colon. One of the sigmoid diverticula at the antimesenteric side shows a thick enhanced wall with a focal perforation and extraluminal gas with an adjacent air-fluid collection anterior to the psoas major muscle with surrounding fat stranding and thickening of the adjacent peritoneal reflections. Free intraperitoneal gas as well as in the retroperitoneum surrounding the kidneys mainly on the left and extending around the esophagus through the oesophagal hiatus.

A small umbilical hernia is of epiploic content. 

Case Discussion

CT features of perforated sigmoid diverticulitis with abscess formation and pneumoperitoneum and retropneumoperitoneum.

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