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Acoustic neuroma

Case contributed by Hesham Elkhwalka
Diagnosis certain


Right sided impaired hearing

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Female

Right extra-axial cerebellopontine angle space-occupying lesion. It is extending to the right internal auditory meatus and widening it. It shows heterogenous signal and enhancement with non-enhancing cystic areas. It is compressing the brain stem and right cerebellar peduncle, as well as attenuating the 4th ventricle. Mild dilatation of temporal horns of lateral ventricles is noted as well.

Case Discussion

A large right CPA mass lesion with mass effect. The patient was urgently referred to the neurosurgical team.

Heterogenous signal and enhancement, as well as lack of restricted diffusion and widening of the IAM are useful signs to differentiate it from meningioma.

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