Acute subperiosteal haematoma of iliac bone

Case contributed by Smitha Mytheen
Diagnosis almost certain


History of fall one week back , now with complaints of pain and limping.

Patient Data

Age: 15 years
Gender: Male

Well defined lenticular shaped altered signal intensity lesion on the medial aspect of left iliac bone, hyper intense on T1WI and T2WI images with a hypointense rim on STIR and GRE images.

Lenticular isodense lesion deep to left iliacus muscle

Case Discussion

Subperiosteal iliac haematoma may present acutely in adolescents or chronically in asymptomatic adults.

Clinical presentation

Acute: in adolescents , usually with history of recent fall, giving complaints of pain and limping due to crural nerve compression.

Chronic: incidental finding in asymptomatic adults.

Imaging findings

CT: Chronic haematomas are usually unilateral or bilateral lenticular calcified lesions deep to iliacus muscle.

MRI: Acute haematomas are lenticular lesions deep to iliacus muscle, hyperintense on T1WI and T2WI images. A rim of blooming may be seen on GRE.

Plain Radiographs: calcified lenticular mass on the inner aspect of iliac bone.


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