Aggressive juvenile fibroma of the mandible

Case contributed by Saeed Soltany Hosn
Diagnosis almost certain


The 9-year old boy was refered for further evaluations because of the otolaryngologist palpate the hard nodule in the right mandiular angle before tonsilectomy .

Patient Data

Age: 9-year
Gender: Male

As you do see in the X Ray images, the right angle of mandible has an exophytic lytic mass which is not developing to the tooth roots.

Colour dopler ultrasound scan shows that the above-mentioned mass has a soft tissue component with peripheral hypervascularity.

Selected US, X-ray and CT images are shown here;there is a small lytic expansile lesion associated with soft tissue component  seen at right mandibular angle.

Nuclear medicine

The whole body bone scan shows focal irregular mild increased uptake of  radiotracer in the region of  right mandibular angle.                         

Case Discussion

He underwent a whole body bone scan with 99 mTC-MDP  prior to surgery for the assessing of probable distant metastasis or ruling out of any secondary lesion.At first, using FNA examination, we thought it was an eosinophilic granuloma, but further examinations by exisional biopsy revealed it to be an agressive juvenile fibroma.

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