Anomalous right coronary artery from the main pulmonary artery

Case contributed by Vlad Barskiy
Diagnosis certain


During a routine examination at the age of 3 months, echocardiography was performed - the right coronary coronary artery arises from the pulmonary artery, retrograde blood flow.

Patient Data

Age: 6 months
Gender: Female

Coronary angiography conducted under sedation and drug apnoea. Heart rate 100-115 beats per minute.

Anomalous right coronary artery from the main pulmonary artery.

Dilated coronary arteries due to overflow between the left and right coronary arteries.


Case Discussion

This is a very rare defect. Usually it is the left coronary artery that exhibits an anomalous origin from the main pulmonary artery, quickly leading to myocardial ischaemia. Abnormal origin of the right coronary artery is much less common. In our clinic, abnormal origin of the left coronary artery is usually encountered 2-3 times a year but this is the first time in ten years that we encountered abnormal origin of the right coronary artery. If patients do not die from ischaemia, then collateral blood flow develops between the pools of the coronary arteries and these patients live for a long time without symptoms of the disease.

The case is presented together with: Yarmola I., Voltornistiy I. and Kornoukhov O.

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