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Anterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture

Case contributed by Varun Babu
Diagnosis certain


Alleged road traffic accident two weeks ago, with features of internal derangement.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

Diffuse bony contusion of lateral tibial condyle. Undisplaced fracture lines seen extending to articular surface of lateral tibial condyle. Avulsion and anterior elevation of tibial attachment of anterior cruciate ligament with secondary ligamentous laxity. Areas of contusion involving the anterior roots of both medial and lateral menisci. Mild suprapatellar effusion.

The CT correlation done reveals the extent of bony fracture in the proximal tibia. 

Case Discussion

Typically occurs due to forceful hyperextension of the knee. Meyers and McKeevers classification helps to distinguish the extent of avulsion injury. 

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