Appendiceal mucocele

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Chronic right lower abdominal pain. According to her gynaecologist, the patient is known for right hydrosalpinx on follow-up for two years. MRI for evaluation was requested.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

Well-circumscribed tubular cystic structure with thin regular wall located the right pelvic region, contiguous with the base of the caecum measuring 105 x 44 x 40 mm. It displays a low signal on T1,  high signal on T2 with no restricted diffusion. No enhancing mural nodule or significant enhancing wall. Minimal free fluid is noted in the pelvic region.


Well-defined cystic mass in the right pelvic region with heterogeneous echotexture composed of numerous hypo-and hyperechoic layers "onion sign".


Few non-enhanced CT cuts were performed after the MRI and ultrasound exam demonstrating the distended fluid-filled appendix with curvilinear mural calcification.

Case Discussion

MRI, CT and ultrasound features are most consistent with appendicular mucocele.

The "onion sign" on ultrasound is considered a highly suggestive appendiceal mucocele.

The curvilinear mural calcification seen on CT suggests the diagnosis but is seen in less than 50% of cases. 

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