Arachnoid cyst

Case contributed by Anthony Nuñez
Diagnosis probable


Patient with chronic headache that does not improve with treatment. Receives migraine treatment.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Fluid density extra-axial cyst-like lesion is seen at left middle cranial fossa with remodeling of the adjacent bone (greater wing of sphenoid). Also, produces a mild mass effect over the temporal lobe.

Case Discussion

The Galassi classification is used to classify middle fossa cysts into three types 1.

  • type I cysts are typically asymptomatic

  • type II cysts extend superiorly along the Sylvian fissure, occasionally displacing the temporal lobe

  • type III cysts are very large, displacing not only the temporal lobe but also disrupting the parietal and frontal lobes

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