Arachnoid granulation

Case contributed by Subhan Iqbal
Diagnosis almost certain


Road traffic accident 1 hour back

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male
  • there are multiloculated cystic skull-based osteolytic lucencies seen posteriorly at the right occipital bone
  • no fracture is seen in the calvarium
  • normal skull soft tissues
  • no territorial infarction or tumour mass lesion seen 
  • no extradural, subdural haematoma or contusional bleed 
  • no coup or counter coup injury seen in brain parenchyma
Annotated image

Arachnoid granulation

Case Discussion

 Transverse and superior sagittal sinuses are a common location of arachnoid granulations. Causes of lytic lesions in skull can be remembered by using the mnemonic: 


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