
Case contributed by Frank Gaillard
Diagnosis certain



Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Right frontal lesion has 2 components:a nodular component medially that has herniated beneath the falx to cross midline with multiple small vessels and wispy enhancement, and a crescentic lateral component that demonstrates the T2 FLAIR mismatch sign. There is additional surrounding peritumoural oedema. The lesion appears intra-axial and solitary. Local mass effect has compressed the right frontal horn and created a midline shift of 1 cm and has displaced the 2 A2 branches (in close proximity to its left posterior margin)

Case Discussion


The patient went on to have a resection. 


Sections of cerebellar cortex and white matter show a cellular tumour with a loose fibrillary background. Tumour cells have ovoid to angulated hyperchromatic nuclei with some gemistocytic cells. Mitoses are rare with up to 1 per 50 HPF within the most cellular areas. Necrosis and microvascular proliferation are not present.


  • GFAP: Positive
  • OLIG2: Positive
  • IDH-1 R132H: Positive (mutated)
  • ATRX: Lost (mutated - implies intact (not deleted) 1p19q status)
  • p53: Positive
  • p16 CDKN2A: Patchy
  • Ki67: Less than 5%

FINAL DIAGNOSIS: diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-mutant (WHO Grade II).


Although the grade histologically is only WHO grade II, the presence of enhancement and lower ADC values are concerning for a higher grade component. Depending on how much of the tumour has been sent to pathology and which parts were examined there is always the risk of under-grading. 

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