Bochdalek's flower basket

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Incidental finding during work-up for TIA/ intracranial event. The patient presents with dysarthria and right hemiparesis.

Patient Data

Age: 90 years
Gender: Male

There is linear, somewhat symmetric, calcification within the 4th ventricle extending through the foramina of Lushka.

Incidental findings:

  • bilateral vertebral arterial calcified plaque

  • extensive artefact emanating from the dental implants

  • posterior fossa involution appropriate for age

  • punctate dermal calcifications

  • prominent external occipital protuberence

Case Discussion

Bochdalek's flower basket is a term given to the appearance of linear choroid plexus calcification within the 4th ventricle that protrudes through the paired foramina of Lushka.

This may mimic a possible subarachnoid haemorrhage especially when linear in appearance or a cerebellopontine angle mass lesion especially when dense or bulbous in appearance.

Contrast enhancement of bulbous protruding choroid plexus may cause confusion in image interpretation during routine CT and MRI brain studies1.

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