Both-bone forearm fracture

Case contributed by Kevan English
Diagnosis certain


Forearm pain after motor vehicle collision at attempted suicide.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Left forearm


Acute comminuted, displaced fracture of the proximal diaphysis of the left ulna, with overriding of the fracture fragments and slight dorsal apex angulation.

Acute displaced transverse fracture of the proximal diaphysis of the left radius, with overriding of the fracture fragments and slight dorsal apex angulation.

No other acute fracture. The elbow joint is preserved. The radiocarpal joint is preserved.

After Plating


Status post ORIF with placement of 2 surgical plates and screws transfixing the previously described acute comminuted fracture of the proximal left radial diaphysis. Hardware appears intact and well seated, without evidence of loosening.

Status post ORIF with placement of surgical plate and screws transfixing the previously described acute comminuted fracture of the proximal-mid left ulnar diaphysis. Hardware appears intact and well seated, without evidence of loosening. There remains a 2.7 cm fracture fragment which projects about the fracture site.

Visualised joint spaces appear maintained.

Expected postoperative soft tissue swelling surrounding the left forearm.

Case Discussion

This represents a case of a combined radius and ulna fracture. The patient is a 30-year-old male who presented to the emergency department via emergency medical services (EMS) with forearm pain after an attempted suicide. X-rays obtained of the left forearm demonstrated a both-bone forearm fracture. A treatment plan devised included the application of a volar dorsal splint, post-splint x-rays, operative fixation, and orthopaedic trauma follow-up.

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