Breast cancer pseudocirrhosis

Case contributed by Michael P Hartung
Diagnosis certain


Breast cancer on chemotherapy.

Patient Data

Age: 55
Gender: Female



Innumerable liver metastases. 

6-months after chemotherapy


New hepatic volume loss with diffusely nodular and irregular appearance. Low-attenuation bands branch throughout the liver and extend to the capsule, with associated retraction. Multiple lesions have resolved. 

Case Discussion

Breast cancer metastases with treatment effect following chemotherapy, resulting in scarring and capsular retraction. This results in a typical appearance of pseudocirrhosis, which can indicate either regression of tumour after treatment, or progression of fibrosis surrounding infiltrative (often hard to see) hepatic metastases. 

In contrast to other cases where the liver is enlarged and the patients are not actively on chemotherapy, this case favours treatment response. 

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