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Calyceal diverticulum

Case contributed by Hidayatullah Hamidi
Diagnosis certain


Recurrent urinary tract infection and right flank dull pain for last 3 years.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

Plain radiograph shows faint curvilinear opacity in the right renal region. Intravenous urography image in the pyelogram phase (5 minutes after IV contrast injection) shows stretching upper and middle calyxes. Delayed images (after 90 minutes and 3 hours) shows well opacification of a large calyceal diverticulum.


Trans abdominal ultrasound shows large cystic structure in the middle portion of right kidney with mobile, hyper-echoic material in the dependent portion (milk of calcium).

Case Discussion

A calyceal diverticulum is a urine-containing cystic cavity communicating with the collecting system via a narrow isthmus. It can be diagnosed as an incidental finding or can be symptomatic.

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