
Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis probable


Bilateral upper neck pain for one week over the area of carotid bulbs, more so on the left side radiating to the left cheek. The pain is relieved when using paracetamol (paracetamol). Smoker.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Neck ultrasonography


Hypoechoic transmural thickening of the vascular wall at the carotid bulbs bilaterally with intact intima and overlying localised tenderness. This forms mild bilateral luminal narrowing.

Case Discussion

Carotidynia is a syndrome characterised by neck pain and focal tenderness in the carotid bulbs area. The aetiology of this syndrome is unknown. Diagnosis can be made clinically and should be established after ruling out other more serious causes of carotid wall thickening, including large vessel vasculitides. The pain usually responds to NSAIDs or steroids.

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