Cervical disc protrusion

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis almost certain


9-month history of cervical spine pain with LUL pain/weakness/P+N into the hand with loss of dexterity. Not improved with the physiotherapy. Bloods ordered for the possible inflammatory component.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

Normal craniocervical junction.

Large C3/C4 left paracentral disc protrusion compressing the left side of the cord.  No high T2 intramedullary signal.  Mild bilateral foraminal stenosis.

Disc oestophyte complex at C5/C6 causing a moderate bilateral foraminal stenosis.

Moderate left foraminal stenosis at C6/C7.

Case Discussion

C3/C4 disc protrusion with cord compression.  Cervical disc prolapse is far less commonly observed than in the lumbar spine.

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