Cervical ribs

Case contributed by Tom Molyneux
Diagnosis certain


This patient presented with lower neck discomfort and occasional tingling in the right hand.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

The AP lower cervical projection clearly shows bilateral cervical ribs arising from what appears to be C7. The left cervical rib is vestigial. The right-sided cervical rib is more fully formed and could account for the patient's presenting symptoms suggesting a thoracic outlet syndrome.

Annotated AP lower cervical pr


The cervical vertebral levels have been labeled in yellow. The level at which the asymmetrical cervical ribs exist is labeled in orange.

The first thoracic vertebral transverse processes are labeled in green.

Case Discussion

Plain film radiographs were obtained prior to receiving chiropractic treatment. The AP lower cervical view has identified the presence of asymmetrical cervical ribs with that on the right being larger. In the presence of one anomalous finding, it's worth reviewing the case form any additional anomalies. In this case, it appears that there are eight cervical vertebrae. An alternative consideration is an anomalous upper thoracic spine with bilateral hypoplastic ribs which is far less likely.

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