Chest wall schwannoma

Case contributed by Ammar Ashraf
Diagnosis certain


Lactating female with painful mass below the right breast/axilla for three months. No skin colour changes, fever or nipple discharge.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Female

Small well-defined hypoechoic intramuscular nodule measuring 9 x 11 mm noted inferolateral to the right breast. No significant internal vascularity is seen in it.


Histopathology of the excised right chest wall soft tissue lump: Schwannoma.

Case Discussion

Due to the history of lactation, breast abscess was suspected clinically; however, breast ultrasound examination showed an extramammary lesion inferolateral to the right breast/axilla, within the muscles of the chest wall. Its exact nature could not be determined confidently and further evaluation with MRI was recommended, which, however, could not be done due to the claustrophobia. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) was done which was non-diagnostic and later on the patient was referred to the surgeon for complete excision.

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