Clear cell sarcoma

Case contributed by Wesam Shamma
Diagnosis certain


Knee pain and swelling for 6 months.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

There is a rather homogeneous, lobulated well-circumscribed lesion seen in the distal aspect of the vastus medialis muscle near its insertion measuring about 3x4x3 cm.

It appears isointense to muscles on T1W signal, heterogenous hyperintense signal on T2W/ STIR images with diffusion restriction.

It shows strong enhancement.

The rest of the muscles and bones are unremarkable.


Case Discussion

It is rare and slow-growing tumour, primarily affecting young to middle-aged adults.

It typically develops near tendons, aponeuroses, and fascial structures in the deep soft tissues of the limbs, more in the lower limb (knee, thigh, foot and ankle) than the upper limb.

Radiologically, the lesion presents as a nonspecific, noncalcified soft tissue mass.

Clear cell sarcomas are often misdiagnosed radiologically and graded as nonaggressive lesions.

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