Cloverleaf shaped skull in the absence of craniosynostosis

Case contributed by Saeed Soltany Hosn , 14 Jan 2013
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 16 Feb 2020

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

see belowFrontal bossing and depressed nasal bridge. Syndactyly of several digits.

Images Changes:

Image Photo ( update )

Description was removed:
 Frontal bossing 

Image Photo ( update )

Description was removed:
Frontal bossing and depressed nasal bridge.

Image Photo ( update )

Description was removed:
Syndactyly of several digits.

Image Photo ( update )

Description was removed:
syndactyly of several digits

Image Photo ( update )

Description was removed:
cutaneous syndactyly of several digits.

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
A 7-day-old male infant from a second full-term uncomplicated pregnancy brought to the children's hospital. His mother and father were normal and unrelated, 27 and 32 years olds, respectively. On examination, he had syndactyly, frontal bossing and depressed nasal bridge. CT brain was performed for further evaluation.
Body was changed:

Acloverleafdeformity of the skull consists of trilobed protrusion of the skull with broadening of the frontal and bitemporal region. It typically results from intrauterine premature closure of sagittal, coronal and lambdoid sutures,although, although other combinations of sutural involvement are possible.

Rarely, a cloverleaf shaped skull may occur in the absence of craniosynostosis. In this condition there was hypoplasia of several cranial bones, allowing eventration of the brain and surrounding tissues into a trilobed configuration.

  • -<p>A<strong> cloverleaf </strong>deformity of the skull consists of trilobed protrusion of the skull with broadening of the frontal and bitemporal region.  It typically results from intrauterine premature closure of sagittal, coronal and lambdoid sutures,although other combinations of sutural involvement are possible.</p><p>Rarely, a cloverleaf shaped skull may occur in the <strong>absence of craniosynostosis</strong>. In this condition there was hypoplasia of several cranial bones, allowing eventration of the brain and surrounding tissues into a trilobed configuration.</p><p> </p>
  • +<p>A<strong> </strong><a title="Cloverleaf skull (craniosynostosis)" href="/articles/cloverleaf-skull-craniosynostosis">cloverleaf<strong> </strong>deformity</a> of the skull consists of trilobed protrusion of the skull with broadening of the frontal and bitemporal region. It typically results from intrauterine premature closure of sagittal, coronal and lambdoid sutures, although other combinations of sutural involvement are possible.</p><p>Rarely, a cloverleaf shaped skull may occur in the absence of <a title="Craniosynostosis" href="/articles/craniosynostosis">craniosynostosis</a>. In this condition there was hypoplasia of several cranial bones, allowing eventration of the brain and surrounding tissues into a trilobed configuration.</p>

Systems changed:

  • Head & Neck

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