Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Case contributed by Hani M. Al Salam
Diagnosis certain


Respiratory distress.

Patient Data

Age: 4 months
Gender: Male

Multiple gas locules within the lower left chest, the majority of the rest of the left lung opacified. The left hemidiaphragm can not be seen. The mediastinum and the heart are deviated to the contralateral right side. 


The left kidney is seen next to the heart in the left hemithorax. 

The left lung is barely aerated with majority of which has been occupied by the loops of small and large bowel, stomach and left kidney. The heart and mediastinum are pushed away from the abnormality to the right side. 

Case Discussion

A 4 month old baby boy with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. An ectopic thoracic kidney is noted.

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