Deep sulcus sign - pneumothorax in supine projection

Case contributed by RMH Core Conditions
Diagnosis certain


Fall from 3 stories.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Left pneumothorax with deep sulcus sign on the left, despite ICC, consistent with a persistent pneumothorax.

Bilateral moderate pneumothoraces, with bilateral intercostal catheters in situ.

Extensive bilateral pulmonary opacity, predominantly centred in the right middle and bilateral lower lobes consistent with pulmonary contusions.

A traumatic haemopneumatocoele is identified within the posterior basal segment of the left lower lobe.

There is a small amount of gas tracking within the posterior mediastinum. Small right haemothorax.

Minimally displaced fracture through the spine of the left scapula. Left second rib fracture.

Case Discussion

Deep sulcus sign is one of pneumothorax on supine radiographs as air collects in the most antedependent (i.e. antero-inferior) aspect of the pleural cavity. In this case, the sign is still present despite decompression with an ICC. 

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