Dorsal wrist ganglion

Case contributed by Joachim Feger
Diagnosis almost certain


Swelling at the dorsal aspect of the wrist for some time, now at the time of the appointment gone.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male


  • flat lobulated cystic lesion (~18 x 15 x 5 mm) dorsal to the proximal and distal carpal row, beneath the extensor digitorum tendons and extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon

  • no central but strong peripheral enhancement

  • mild amount of fluid around the extensor pollicis longus tendon

  • remaining extensor and flexor tendons unremarkable


  • dorsal wrist ganglion beneath the extensor digitorum tendon

Exam courtesy: Stefan Baumbach (radiographer)

Case Discussion

Ganglion cysts are frequent mass-like lesions of the wrist, that tend to grow with activity and shrink with rest. A typical location is at the dorsum of the wrist underneath the extensor digitorum tendons with the dorsal capsule and the scapholunate ligament as the site of origin, as in this case.

Ganglion cysts of the hand and wrist do not necessarily require treatment. Management vastly depends on clinical symptoms and patients' demands and includes watchful waiting, aspiration and arthroscopic or surgical excision 1.

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