Dropped appendicolith

Case contributed by Mohamed Saber
Diagnosis almost certain


Post appendicectomy recurrent right iliac fossa pain. Recent fever and vomiting.

Patient Data

Age: 8 years
Gender: Male



Right para-caecal small dense focus is noted.

Follow-up after 3 months


Follow-up CT shows that the focus is currently surrounded by a small thick wall collection (abscess).

Case Discussion

This child was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and subjected to laparoscopic appendicectomy. The procedure was difficult and the appendix was perforated. The post-operative status was good apart from recurrent right iliac fossa pain for 6 months. The CT studies were suggestive of a dropped appendicolith.

The patient was subjected to another laparoscopic assessment that confirmed the diagnosis with removal of the appendicolith, drainage of the abscess, and lysis of the adhesions.

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