Dual meningioma

Case contributed by Jack Ren
Diagnosis almost certain

Two identifiable lesions can be seen on CT images.

The 1st is a extra-axial lesion in the left frontal lobe protruding across mid-line. The lesion has a well defined border, irregular in shape and mostly homogeneous in nature best seen in brain window. There are some calcification can be seen within the lesion.  The lesion is causing remarkable mass effect with mid-line shifting, herniation & distortion of lateral ventricles.

2nd lesion locate on left frontal/parietal bone with irregular border & diffuse sclerosis. There is also bony expansion due to the lesion creating a lump.


2 lesions can be identified on MRI images

1st extra axial lesion locate in the left anterior cranial fossa. The lesion is heterogeneous in nature & shows iso-intensity & hypo-intense centre on both T1 & T2. The lesion is enhanced after admission of contrast which shows a well defined border with irregular shape. The lesion is protruding across mid-line & causing mass effect with herniation & distortion of ventricles best seen on T1 C+

2nd lesion locates in frontal/parietal bone of skull. The heterogeneous lesion has ill defined border with similar intense to the rest of skull in both T1 & T2. The lesion doesn't appear to be enhanced after admission of contrast

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