Ductal carcinoma in situ: calcification

Case contributed by Garth Kruger , 15 Jul 2012
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 20 Jul 2015

Updates to Study Attributes

Modality was set to Ultrasound.
Findings was changed:

TheThere are calcifications running in the duct along the bottom right of the picture were malignantimage, on biopsy. This lady has DCIS. The image illustrates

1. the ductal distributiona background of the malignant calcificationsscattered calcification. 

2. the orientation of the benign lobular calcifications of the lobular calcifications in the breast

3. the heterogenous nature of the DCIS calcifications with sharp forms and differing densities.

Images Changes:

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
DCISDuctal carcinoma in situ: calcification
Body was added:

On biopsy, this patient had ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). This case illustrates:

  1. The ductal distribution of the malignant calcifications.
  2. The orientation of the benign lobular calcifications of the lobular calcifications in the breast.
  3. The heterogeneous nature of the DCIS calcifications with sharp forms and differing densities.
  • +<p>On biopsy, this patient had <a title="Ductal carcinoma in situ" href="/articles/ductal-carcinoma-in-situ">ductal carcinoma in situ</a> (DCIS). This case illustrates:</p><ol>
  • +<li>The ductal distribution of the malignant calcifications.</li>
  • +<li>The orientation of the benign lobular calcifications of the lobular calcifications in the breast.</li>
  • +<li>The heterogeneous nature of the DCIS calcifications with sharp forms and differing densities.</li>
  • +</ol>

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