Dural metastases from prostatic carcinoma

Case contributed by Andres Alberto Morales Cruz
Diagnosis certain


Patient with a history of prostatic carcinoma and vertebral metastases presents with headache, confusion, and neck pain. PSA level is 15 ng/mL.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

Dural mass in the superior temporal sulcus, not seen in T1, isointense to the gray matter in T2/FLAIR, shows restricted diffusion on DWI/ADC, presents intense and homogeneous enhancement to gadolinium, in MRS shows increased choline peak and decreased NAA, effect of mass in the middle and inferior temporal gyri, is associated with vasogenic oedema and dural enhancement. No hydrocephalus, no intracranial haemorrhage.

Additionally, tumour activity is observed in the right upper branch of the mandible.

Case Discussion

This patient had a history of prostate cancer with level of PSA increased resistant to radiotherapy, is a common cause of dural metastases, and is more commonly mets dural than parenchymal.

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