Encrusted double J ureteric stent

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis certain


Long-standing history of nephrolithiasis with left flank pain and haematuria.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

The left kidney is relatively small and shows mild hydronephrosis with parenchymal atrophy. A DJ stent is inserted in an appropriate location on the left side. In addition, two stones less than 7 mm are seen in the left renal collecting system.

Mild hydroureteronephrosis without renal or ureteral stones is noted on the right side.

The lumbar spine shows degenerative changes, including osteophytosis. Grade I spondylolisthesis of L3 on L4 is present with bilateral spondylolysis.

Follow up CT scan in 6 months


The left kidney is relatively small and shows mild hydronephrosis with parenchymal atrophy. A DJ string is inserted on the left side in an appropriate location. In addition, a 9 mm stone is seen in the left renal collecting system.

The distal part of the inserted DJ stent shows significant encrustation within the urinary bladder.

The lumbar spine shows degenerative changes, including osteophytosis. Grade I spondylolisthesis of L3 on L4 is present with bilateral spondylolysis.

Case Discussion

This case typically demonstrates an encrusted DJ stent, a significant complication that may damage the urinary tract.

Encrustation causes are multifactorial, and calcium or magnesium precipitation along the stent pathway secondary to urinary tract infection, chronic stone-forming patients, pregnancy, and recurrent urinary tract infections could be predisposing factors. Three monthly exchanges of double J ureteral stents are well established to prevent encrustation.

Treatment is mandatory because ureteric stent encrustation may lead to stent blockage, dislodgement of the stent, and urinary tract infection.

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