Episternal ossicle

Case contributed by Jose Antonio Habana
Diagnosis certain


Imaged for further evaluation of pulmonary nodules seen in chest radiograph.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Right-sided episternal ossicle located superior and posterior to the manubrium.

An internal jugular vein catheter is partially visualized.

Case Discussion

Episternal ossicles are accessory bones found near the superior border of the manubrium. They may appear bilaterally or unilaterally. They may also appear fused with the manubrium or with each other.

They are thought to be remanants of the epicoracoids of the shoulder girdle. Oftentimes, these are of no clinical significance. However, they can be involved in osteomyelitis or in septic arthritis of the sternoclavicular region. One must also differentiate them from calcified lymph nodes, vascular calcifications, or fracture fragments.

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