Esophageal foreign body (button battery ingestion)

Case contributed by samei g m abadelrsool
Diagnosis certain


3 years old boy presented with foreign body ingestion. ? button battery vs coin.

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male

Halo sign (double ring sign) is pathognomonic for button battery ingestion.

The step-off sign on the lateral view of the x-ray is pathognomonic for the button battery in the esophagus.

Case Discussion

Halo sign (double ring sign) in AP view and step-off sign in the lateral view of the x-ray are pathognomonic for button battery ingestion compared to a coin. An urgent oesophagoscopy for battery removal needed. After removal of the battery, further contrast swallow examination can be perform to exclude esophageal injury (initially leak and later a stricture).

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