Extra-axial haemorrhages with skull fracture

Case contributed by UoE Radiology , 4 Feb 2015
Diagnosis certain
Changed by UoE Radiology, 16 Feb 2015

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There are a number of injuries to consider in this case.  Not only is there the skull fracture and subdural collection underlying it, there is blood throughout the subarachnoid space and contre-coup lesions on the left.

You have to remember your protocols when dealing with emergency cases such as those offered in ATLS and other programmes.  When looking for other injuries, consideration of which imaging modality to use is also important.


Thanks to Dr David Cuete for originally uploading this case.  It can be viewed here, along with the bone windows of the CT.

  • -<p>There are a number of injuries to consider in this case.  Not only is there the skull fracture and subdural collection underlying it, there is blood throughout the subarachnoid space and contre-coup lesions on the left.</p><p>You have to remember your protocols when dealing with emergency cases such as those offered in ATLS and other programmes.  When looking for other injuries, consideration of which imaging modality to use is also important.</p><p>---</p><p>Thanks to Dr David Cuete for originally uploading this case.  It can be viewed <a href="http://radiopaedia.o/cases/cerebral-haemorrhagic-contusions-with-skull-fracture-1">here</a>, along with the bone windows of the CT.</p>
  • +<p>There are a number of injuries to consider in this case.  Not only is there the skull fracture and subdural collection underlying it, there is blood throughout the subarachnoid space and contre-coup lesions on the left.</p><p>You have to remember your protocols when dealing with emergency cases such as those offered in ATLS and other programmes.  When looking for other injuries, consideration of which imaging modality to use is also important.</p><p>---</p><p>Thanks to Dr David Cuete for originally uploading this case.  It can be viewed <a title="here" href="/cases/cerebral-haemorrhagic-contusions-with-skull-fracture-1">here</a>, along with the bone windows of the CT.</p>

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